- Candlesticks are usually composed of the body (black or white), and an upper and a lower shadow: The area between the open and the close is called the real body, price excursions above and below the real body are called shadows.
- If the security closed higher than it opened, the body is white with the opening price at the bottom of the body and the closing price at the top.
- If the security closed lower than it opened, the body is black with the opening price at the top and the closing price at the bottom.
- The wick illustrates the highest and lowest traded prices of a security during the time interval represented.
- A candlestick need not have either a body or a wick.
- Modern candlestick charts (especially those displayed digitally) often replace the black or white of the candlestick body with colors such as red (for a lower closing) and blue or green (for a higher closing).
Note: Some softwares uses Black color instead of Red color
It consists of a small red body that is contained within the followed large white candlestick. When it appears at bottom it is interpreted as a major reversal signal.
A red or a white candlestick that consists of a small body near the high with a little or no upper shadow and a long lower tail. It is considered as a bullish pattern during a downtrend.
It consists of an unusually large red body followed by a small white body (contained within large red body). It is considered as a bullish pattern when preceded by an uptrend.
It consists of a red candlestick followed by a white candlestick that opens lower than the low of preceding but closes more than halfway into red body candlestick. It is considered as reversal signal when it appears at bottom.
It is formed when opening and closing prices are virtually the same.. . It is considered as a bullish reversal signal during downtrend.
Note: Some softwares uses Black color instead of Red color
It consists of a small while body that is contained within the followed large red candlestick. When it appears at top it is considered as a major reversal signal.
A red or a white candlestick is formed that has a small body, a long upper shadow and a little or no lower tail. It is considered as a bearish pattern in an uptrend.
It consists of an unusually large white body followed by a small red body (contained within large white body). It is considered as a bearish pattern when preceded by an uptrend.
It consists of a long white candlestick followed by a red candlestick that opens above the high of the white candlestick and closes well into the body of the white candlestick. It is considered as a bearish reversal signal during an uptrend.
It is formed when opening and closing prices are virtually the same. It is considered as a bearish reversal signal during an uptrend